
"And I have one of those very loud, stupid laughs. I mean if I ever sat behind myself in a movie or something, I'd probably lean over and tell myself to please shut up." -J. D. Salinger

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Table Rock 9.1 // Explore

Posted on: Sunday

My biggest goal of the summer was to hike up to Table Rock and view the Tetons right up close. Everyone always talks about what a big hike it is and how you have to be really serious about doing it because there will be so many times you will want to give up and blah blah blah. Ha (but really, it's a pretty big hike). So I called my brother and made him promise to take me up there before the summer ended. Turned out Labor Day was his only available day to head up the mountain. The night before one of my coworkers hiked with a group of friends at midnight so that they could watch the sunrise from up there. Whoa.. How cool is that?! She invited me along but sorry, no way in hell was my first time hiking up there going to be in the dark! Ohhhh and what a hike it was.. We meant to start at 7 but then Rene was running late so we didn't start on the trail until about 9-ish. And you know what? It's a long ass hike.. Fourteen miles I believe. But it's a beautiful hike.

For the longest time we were seeing piles of droppings on the trail and kept thinking, what the hell is on the trail?! About four hours into the hike we ran into some guys heading down with their horses. Horses? Why are you taking your horses up to Table Rock? You think they care about the damn view? They were probably thinking about kicking you in the head and running back to the Valley so they could graze in the pasture where they belong!!! Ok, maybe not. But really, horses?

The hardest thing about the hike was the fact that it had snowed the night before, so the closer we got to Table Rock the more snow there was. Soo much snow! In September! Table Rock was in our view for a good 2 hours before we actually got up there. We looked like we were so close! But we were so far away... And hiking up there in the snow was the shittiest experience of my life. There were a ton of people coming down as we were climbing up and a couple of people had skis coming down. Wow. You're really that prepared to come with skis? You must have been a boy scout.

When we finally reached the top it was so fucking windy. And cold. And windy. And did I mention the clouds? There were clouds covering half of the Tetons! WE HIKED FOR HOURS TO CATCH A VIEW OF THE TETONS THAT WERE COVERED! We stayed up top for maybe 5 minutes before heading down. Fuck that wind. And then my knees started to feel like they were going to detach from my legs and I thought I would have to crawl back to my car. But then how would I drive home? Good thing they stayed on. The last two hours coming down were hell.

But you know what? I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. Even if I didn't pee the entire hike. And that was a looong hike..

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