
"And I have one of those very loud, stupid laughs. I mean if I ever sat behind myself in a movie or something, I'd probably lean over and tell myself to please shut up." -J. D. Salinger

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Posted on: Monday

Soo it's definitely been too long since I've posted on here. Long enough that I've changed my hair color almost a month and a half ago! Blonde. What was I THINKING?! I had pitch BLACK HAIR for Gods sake!!! Also, I changed it all in one day. 12 hours in the salon, Whaaaat?? I'm surprised my hair didn't fall out! But I swear I didn't go into it as a complete idiot. I did my research, I promise.

 So there's this new product called Olaplex which is A M A Z I N G. It's the reason I was able to do four bleaches on my hair in one day. Trust me when I say that you do not ever want to strip color from your hair without this stuff. After the first bleach my hair felt softer than when it originally felt when I came in. Second bleach same story. Third bleach, still that perfect softness. The fourth bleach was where my hair started to feel a little damaged... So we decided to call it quits with the bleach and stick to the toner. But it turns out four bleaches was all I needed anyway.

So why blonde you might ask? I've never really cared to be blonde to be honest. But once upon a time in those old high school days when my hair was every color under the sun I had an at home bleach kit... I was stripping out some old blue so that I could put some bright red in and I might have left the bleach in a little too long because my hair turned platinum blonde a la Gwen Stefani. I thought it was pretty rad but I fucked my hair up so bad with that cheap bleach that it took forever to grow my hair out to healthy hair again. But when I heard how amazing Olaplex was I knew I had to give it a real shot, because why the hell not?

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