
"And I have one of those very loud, stupid laughs. I mean if I ever sat behind myself in a movie or something, I'd probably lean over and tell myself to please shut up." -J. D. Salinger

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Basic Space // Portrait

Posted on: Monday

Things I've learned about myself: 

I'm too much of a planner. But lets just call them goals, ok? That sounds better anyway.
I wear a lot of black. Get used to it.
I no longer impulse buy as I used to! (round of applause please)
I eat a lot of cereal. Giving up milk for Lent makes that extremely hard.
I really like taking pictures. But clearly I really suck at posting them.
I don't like my hair straight. Then why... don't ask.
I'm a hopeless romantic. Shiiiit..
I only like cheez-its when they belong to someone else. Truth.

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