
"And I have one of those very loud, stupid laughs. I mean if I ever sat behind myself in a movie or something, I'd probably lean over and tell myself to please shut up." -J. D. Salinger

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Enjoy the Silence // Explore

Posted on: Thursday

Oh, hey Teton Valley, I kinda like you. You bring such awesome people into my life who invite me on midnight hikes to go camping by the windcaves. These people are so awesome because we have steak, like real big time steak for dinner and then we have tons of s'mores because that is what you eat when you're out on the top of a mountain. And then we go exploring the windcaves all day the next day because why wouldn't you want to explore a cave? And then Amanda and I pick all the damn wildflowers because they are just to beautiful to not take them all home. I'll miss that weekend that you brought those people into my life because now they're gone and I'm not sure when I'll ever see them again, but thank you Teton Valley for just being so awesome yourself.

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