
"And I have one of those very loud, stupid laughs. I mean if I ever sat behind myself in a movie or something, I'd probably lean over and tell myself to please shut up." -J. D. Salinger

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Like An American

Posted on: Saturday

Being an American is interesting. Everyone has this idea in their head on what it means to be an American. For example there are the typical Redneck Americans who have the idea that to be American you have to drive a diesel, listen to country music, and own a shotgun. 95% of the time (a statistic that I made up for this post) those Redneck Americans are pretty damn ignorant. But they like to run their mouth, because what's more American than running your mouth on things you are really clueless about? Like "proper" celebratory foods one should eat on Independence Day. But you know what? If I want to celebrate with carne asada tacos then dammit I will. Because guess what. I'm Mexican-American, and I like tacos! So take your silly traditional hamburgers and eat them while you complain about your right to bear arms.

Aww, man. Did this post offend you? Well good, because that's the American way ;) 

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