
"And I have one of those very loud, stupid laughs. I mean if I ever sat behind myself in a movie or something, I'd probably lean over and tell myself to please shut up." -J. D. Salinger

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Sweet As

Posted on: Thursday

Oh hey, what's up! I'm definitely back from New Zealand even though I don't want to be. That place is a dream! Most beautiful country I've visited so far. And I got to drive on the "wrong" side of the road, hence the photo above. It wasn't too hard until you get more cars surrounding you and then your natural instinct to be on the right side of the road kicks in and then you get sort of confused. That's how it was for me anyway ha ha. So these next couple of posts are going to be all about New Zealand so basically you can just suck it if you don't want to see or hear all about my trip, agreed? ;)

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